Lilla's kitty jammies...

Lilla sometimes thinks she is super woman....she is trying to lift the ottoman.

Kitty jammies.....how cute.

The full effect.

Lilla and Grace wearing the same t-shirt...CUTE.

My sister bought these two matching Gwen Stefanie t's and Grace instisted on getting photo together. Lilla was not really having it, she only had one nap today.

The Wi, the Wi! The Volker boys love the Wi.....who doesn't.

Lilla getting ready to get fit on the Wi fit....see it's kid friendly.

The Motley crew. Grace, Lilla, Jonah, Avery, Dakota, and baby Simon.

Simon in the Bumbo....and Lilla playing with him. Lilla loves to play with Simon, but sometimes she doesn't know her own strength.

I'm pretty sure Simon likes playing with Lilla too....

Dakota....being a good cousin and playing with Lilla.

Simon doodle....look at those cheeks.

Cheese....that was what Lilla was saying. Her new word of the day, will she say it tomorrow....probably not.
1 comment:
I love the kitty pj's. I want a pair!!!
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