Guess who found her belly button? Now we just have to work on getting her to be a little more modest and maybe not raise her shirt up SO high.

A good picture of Lilla's teeth.

Cheeseburgers! If you look closely at this picture, it demonstrates Lilla's new skill: eating with a spoon. John and I now get to expereince the hosing down of our child, almost every night after eating, however, I have also learned somthing new, tie Lilla's hair back when eating...very important. And since Lilla HATES having her hair put in a pony....do it as quickly as possible. I can't get myself to cut it yet (besides the bangs), although, I know in time, it will need to be chopped.

Daddy got his two girls some flowers for Valentines day.....what a nice daddy and husband.

A little flower in her hair. It took about 5 mins to get this picture. She is a quick on these days.

The bean being tickeled by Mommy. Yes, John and I still refer to her as "the bean".

Check out Lilla's hand stuffed with goldfish, I don't think you could one more in there. She's also become more interested in her Bumbo chair again. It's funny, it was great for helping learn how to sit, but then once she started moving, she hated sitting in it, so we put it away. We pulled it out again when Simon was here. Now, it's new place for her to sit.....go figure.

Our little football player.

Smarty pants figured out that be standing on the football, she can get onto furniture. She is our little dare devil. She actually doesn't need the football to climb on the ottoman, however, it did make the task much easier.


This is literally her favorite thing to do as of late. She likes to put her ducks on there and then climb on herself. Two seconds later, she jumps off and repeats.

Big girl with her sippy cup.

Lilla's latest best friends....she's been into duck's. As you can see, there are three ducks. The two smaller ones she usually holds in her hands, and the larger one in her mouth.....just walking around with them. This morning, in the car going to daycare, we caught her making them talk to each other.....what were they saying, not sure, but she's figured out that they are friends who have something to say to either each other or her. Very cute.
1 comment:
How quickly they grow up. She is like a real kid. Is she saying anything? I can't believe how quickly the time goes. And she is looking more and more like John to me...which = cute!!!
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