Lilla Mable

I imagine that is what it must feel like to Lilla. She has had to make room for this little person, who, by the way, doesn't do anything but sleep, cry, sometimes smile....ugh.
Well, from mom and dad's perspective it is wonderful to have a little one around again. Esme is just the sweetest little thing, I suppose Lilla was too, but I think I was too freaked out to notice. Esme joined the world Sept. 8th, and Lilla has been a trooper. She really is pretty good with her little sister, and now is finding it fun to try and crack a smile or a laugh out of her, which isn't too hard. Esme seems to take everything in stride, which "thank god for that". John and I are still trying to get used to the hectic-ness of it all. It's one more person to get coordinated on our daily adventures, but I think we are getting the hang of it. John bears it more grace-fully than myself....I have to admit I get a little snippy with things, but it's a lot to remember. =)
On one super-duper note, Lilla is potty trained. It took a couple days and a stint at Kindercare, but she is, and it is WONDERFUL. Mom and Dad are over the moon proud of her, and I think she's pretty proud of herself too. Sometimes to get attention she'll have an accident, but that was bound to happen with Esme taking up a lot of time and energy from mom and dad. So, yea Lilla....however, it makes me a little sad too. She is no longer our little girl. Yes, there are things she still needs us for (opening doors, turning on lights) , but more and more she is pulling away and doing things her way. Now she's my big girl, a big sister, and in her words...."our princess".