If you know my husband and I, then you know two things. One, I am not a princess....if fact I cringe at the term. Not that I have anything against princesses, I actually was one back in the day in 4-H (yep, bet you didn't know that). It's the whole thing surrounding princess crap (for lack of better words) and the affinity towards the color pink. I've tried really hard to not call Lilla my princess nor steer her towards princess like activities, however, it happened and she LOVES princesses, especially the Disney princess factory.
If you know my husband, you know that he will generally call you either boss or chief, depending on his mood...and this goes for everyone.....well except for me.
So, this morning, Lilla proclaims "I have to go potty", in her sweet, almost southern drawl. It's pretty cute. John, already being in the bathroom, is the lucky duck who gets to assist with this process....and it is a process. Step 1) get little toilet seat on big toilet seat and little stair in correct position, Step 2) pull down (and usually off) pull-up and pants/shorts/skirt, Step 3) climb up onto potty and do the business, Step 4) wipe w/ toilet paper, Step 5) flush and wash hands, Step 6) put pull-up and other item back on, Step 7) get M&M and sticker.....phew. Usually takes anywhere from 5 to 15 minuets.
So, again this morning, Lilla has to go potty, John is in the bathroom, he gets to assist, however, our ever independent little girl DOES NOT WANT HELP! That being said she needs a little help, those pull-ups are just a little tricky to get down. So John assists, she's on the potty, all is right with the world.
John leaves the bathroom walks down the hall and we hear "Daddy, I went potty!!!!" and then little footsteps down the hall, to which he turns around and says "Great, you need to wipe".....we both are smiling at this point because a naked little butt is too cute in the morning.
Next we hear, "uh-oh, it broke".....John walks into the bathroom and finds the toilet paper is gone, she's pulled the last of the roll. So John says, "Hold on Boss, I'll get you some more toilet paper". To which Lilla replies, "I'm not a boss, I'm a princess."
Nope, you can not make that stuff up.