My cousin who is also my godson Evan, was confirmed last weekend. I was 16 when he was born and he's 16 now....yikes, where does the time go?

Lilla, my little independent girl, would NOT put her Haloween costume until Nov. 1st, and then we couldn't get it off her. She even let me put on some whiskers and a little nose.

Our pumpkins.....carved the morning of Haloween.....just in the nick of time.

Lilla playing in the costume she would NOT put on without tears....=).

Nana and Papa with Lilla the lion......rrrrrrr.

Lilla the lion not sure that she wants to be caught my Nana.....

Watching Little Mermaid and drinking milk.....favorite daily pass time.

Yep.....doesn't get better then this. Chill'in with her buddies.

Lilla enjoying some stickers.